Cara Melo

Stories: 3

Stories by name

The Alpha’s Angel
The Alpha’s Angel
Ava Carter was a 17 year old orphan. She was a member of the Crystal Blue Pack. She was the punching bag in her pack, as people usually walked all over her, literally. She was the weakling, the outcast, the loner who no one ever bothered to get to know. Until the night of her birthday,she decided to leave. She ran into the most handsome man that she had ever seen in her entire life and he uttered one word, four letters that changed her life forever. "Mine" Jayden King was the alpha of the North Pack. He was the most feared alpha and was often times referred to as the alpha of all alphas. No one who trespassed on his land, ever lived long enough to tell the tale. Until the night he ran into someone he had long ago lost hope of finding.
La ángel del Alfa
La ángel del Alfa
Ava Carter era una huérfana de 17 años. Ella era miembro del Crystal Blue Pack. Ella era el saco de boxeo en su manada, ya que la gente normalmente la pisoteaba, literalmente. Ella era la debilucha, la marginada, la solitaria a la que nadie se molestaba en conocer. Hasta la noche de su cumpleaños, decidió irse. Se encontró con el hombre más guapo que había visto en toda su vida y pronunció una palabra que cambiaron su vida para siempre. "Mío" Jayden King fue el alfa del North Pack. Era el alfa más temido y, a menudo, se lo llamaba el alfa de todos los alfas. Ninguno de los que invadieron su tierra vivió lo suficiente para contarlo. Hasta la noche en que se topó con alguien a quien hace mucho tiempo había perdido la esperanza de encontrar.
I was so close, so close to coming when a knock on the door interrupted us. Emilio got up and licked his lips just as the door opened. "Boss we have-" Luca started only to stop midsentence when he saw me sprawled out on the desk naked. "I'm uh, I'm gonna go and let you guys finish up in here" Luca said exiting as quickly as he had entered. Well shit. ... Layla Smith was alone in this world. Her mother died when she was 16 and having no father around, Layla had to drop out of high school to work and take care of herself, since she had no other family left. Now at the age of 21, she was barely making ends meet with her job as a waitress. Emilio Moretti, at the age of 26 was feared by all. He left nothing but chaos and destruction in his wake. He was a very cold and ruthless man, but what else could you expect from the most notorious mafia boss. What happens when Layla witnesses something she shouldn't have? Emilio is now left to choose whether she lives or die. Will she make it out alive or will Emilio succumb to his ruthless nature and do what he does best. Kill.
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